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Launch of the Essex Branch of the British Tamil Conservatives

On Sunday March 27th the Redbridge, East London and Essex Branch of the British Tamil Conservatives was formally launched at a very well attended meeting held at Beal School, Redbridge.

Nathan Pathmanathan the Chairman of the new branch said:- “ we are very pleased that we have been able to launch this our first local branch in one of the largest Tamil communities in England. We have been involved in the community for a long time, working alongside Lee Scott MP, our local Councillors and the wider community. We believe that our group can give us both a voice and presence; and look forward to meeting up with other community representatives who have similar ideals. We are looking for people to join our committee and we plan to hold events throughout the community; some of which will be fundraising with the proceeds going to good causes”.

Beal School was packed with the people attending the event which was addressed by Lee Scott MP; Dr Aru Sivanathan of the Conservative Way Forward ; Cllrs Keith Prince and Alan Weinberg and Roger Evans, London Assembly.

There was entertainment by The Essex Tamil (Kalvikoodam) School; The Luxmi Dance school, Miruthangam by Clayhall students and Sakhi Fine Arts ; a kids corner; tasty food from several local restaurants and a raffle – with the top prize being Tea for Two with Lee Scott MP.

For further information please contact:-

Thaksha Ravikulan (Secretary, BTC) – 079844 52432

Karan Paul – 079607 19162

Hazel Weinberg – 07932 059160

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